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Sunday 18 November 2012

Week 13 - Mancora

This week we set off to the sunny north of Peru, heading for Mancora, a town known best for its fantastic waves for those surfers and kite surfers. Here is what happened:

Day 1 Monday- It was a sunny day when we awoke and so we spent a lot of time basking in the sun outside, although by midday it was too hot and we had to vacate our grassy patch for lunch. We booked our tickets for Mancora for Tuesday afternoon and as we were saving money spent most of the day relaxing.

When evening came around we accompanied Johns grandparents and some of his relatives to a local church as it was a special day in rememberence of those family members who had died.

Day 2 Tuesday - We brought a whole bag of food from the local supermarket and then packed our bag and headed to the bus station for our afternoon bus up to Mancora. We went cama which has more spacious seats than usual for the comfort on a 18hour journey.

Day 3 Wednesday- We arrived in Mancora at approximately 10AM and hoped onto a tuktuk taxi to our hotel which we learnt was actually only a 2 minute walk down the road. Our hotel was not quite as we had expected, cold salt water showers did not exactly make us feel clean and the pool was nice and cloudy with no way out as the stairs were broken (john learnt this after he jumped in). However it was the cheapest hotel on the street so we were happy with our £5 per night deal.

After we had settled we headed to the best beach in Mancora called Los Pocitas. It was a lovely clean deserted beach however there was a lot of wind and no where for John to swim as there were many rocks. However the rock pools were warm and so you could sit and relax in one of these natural hot tubs (as long as you found one without any fish). We drew some pictures in the sand and brought an ice cream and after that decided to head back to our hotel to try out the beach in front of it. This beach was Mancora's main beach and really is only for surfers as the waves were too large to swim in. However we still managed to sunbathe a little.

Later in the day we spent some time in the cloudy one way in, no way out  pool which we were certain would dissolve our swimwear.

For our evening meal we went to a resturant on the main strip right by our hotel run by an elderly couple who were ever so sweet. It is so cheap here and being right on the seaside all the dishes were fish based so ceviche for starter and fish and rice and salad for main with fresh lemonade all for 8 soles = £2!

Day 4 Thursday- Today we decided that bathing beside the pool for the majority of the day was our best option as we had begun to get sick of removing sand from our towels and clothes. We had the pool pretty much to ourselves which was nice, but only because most people were put off by its cloudiness. We met a nice english couple who we arranged to meet later that evening with a couple of their friends also.

For lunch we went back to the main street for another meal deal along the coast with a cool beer to wash it down with. We then returned to the poolside for some more tanning.

After dinner of Burritos at a cute take away place, we headed out for a few beers on the beach and met a man named Jon (without an H) who told us about his work as a film set designer in New Zealend. He had apparently worked on The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings etc. It all sounded amazing. After a few beers we went back to our hotel room to meet the guys we had seen earlier that day and spent a few more hours out with them sipping cocktails and downing beers on the seafront. We ended up back in our room late that night.

Day 5 Friday - We slept in until check out came around as we were a little fragile from the previous night. We had all swapped facebooks and so hopefully we were to meet up with one couple again back in Lima. We packed up and headed out for lunch again grabbing a bargain meal deal. We then mooched around the local arts and crafts market. After we searched for our bus stop and waited for our returning bus to Lima (altough it was 2 hours later than we had originally thought :().

Day 6 Saturday - There was a lot of traffic when entering back into lima which made our journey another 2 hours longer! UGh. When we finally returned noone was in the house but the chocolates from Johns mum had arrived! There is no greater chocolate than cadburys so the afternoon was spent relaxing and munching on junk food.

Day 7 Sunday - Today John was under the weather....we fear it is food poisoning from either the bus food or one of the seafood dishes from Mancora, either way Johns grandparents and I are nursing him back to life...he will be soon his normal self.

Vicky and John


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