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Sunday 4 November 2012

Week 11 - Halloween in Lima

So this is our eleventh week in South America. It is just flying by....there are only 7 weeks left in Peru!

Here is what happened this week:

Day 1 Monday - Since Halloween crept up on us quickly we took a trip into Miraflores in Lima to try and find some sort of half decent outfit to be seen in. We searched some of the fancy dress stores and in the end settled on the idea of going as zombies. We both had white t'shirts we no longer needed that we could distress and brought some face paints for our faces.
   Later on we went back to the markets in Lima to search for more gifts for you lot! We spent most of the time searching for a very very very specific jumper for Johns mum which was unsuccessful.
   In the afternoon we went down to the beach front in San Isidro for a pleasent walk. When we returned back to the house we went straight out again for Anticucchos at apparently Lima's best resturant, serving only antichuchos and choclo....therefore I only ate choclo....John was very happy (he still claims his Nannys is better).

Day 2 Tuesday - In the morning we took a local bus to the center of Lima to visit the main plaza. We ended up at Plaza San Martin the next plaza. The two plazas however are joined by a walkway full of shops much like Avenida Florida in Buenos Aires (but with less people shouting cambio every five seconds). Once we finally arrived in the main plaza we visited the Cathedral. Very grand and inside lay the bodies of many important religious figures, including that of Pizarro the Spanish founder of Lima. We were given an english leaflet which had details of each section of the cathedral, however it was so poorely translated we could make neither head nor tail of it so our knowledge is nonethewiser.
    After lunch we spent the afternoon distressing our clothes with rocks and using a mix of kethcup and nesquick to make our fake blood stains.

Day 3 Wednesday -  We woke up to the sun shining through the fog so we thought we best make the most of it and headed to a local plaza to do a bit of sunbathing! After we were nice and toasty we came back to cook lunch for Johns grandparents...'in a bag' chicken so fairly easy recipe so really we just chopped the veges up and chucked everything together. After lunch we started to get ready for the Halloween fiesta including using up our 'Superior Ron' rum from a few weeks back (:S). We had no white paint so used talcom powder and suncream to make one... gave a creepy effect because it did made our skin look pretty dead with it flakin off our faces! We met our friend Jose and went to another Jose's house for the party. Along the way to the house party we realised that people didnt make as much of an effort if at all of dressing up and for one night we ended up being famous, cars stopped to take our photo and even kids parent hid there eyes so as not to look at us....must have been pretty scary haha. At the fiesta there were lots of sweet and lots of alcohol and even more dancing! It was a great night and we ended up home at 5am!

Day 4 Thursday - Day spent in bed nursing hangovers!

Day 5 Friday - In the morning I went with Johns Nan and got my nails done again for 2.50! After this we met Johns Tio Tito and went to the center of Lima to a certain street where they sell nothing but musical instruments! Johns Tio is very good at bargaining and I managed to get myself a present for my brother and John got his xmas gift of a guitar...which he is now obsessed with and wont stop playing (he even talks to it).
   In the evening we went to Johns Aunties house, Tio Titos daughter, for a BBQ where we met alot of family, with a lot of names! It was a fun evening and we practiced our espanol alot!!

Day 6 Saturday - Today we spent the majority of the day hoping for wind as these are the conditions we needed for paragliding...however it never came so this adventure is for another day.

Day 7 Sunday - At midday we went to the zoo to see the the animals with Johns nan. We saw hippo's, tigers, lions, wombats, birds, monkeys etc. It was a lovely day however the only thing that ruined it were the vast amount of children. I propose there should be a day for children and a day for adults! We went for Chinese lunch again!! After this we brought some limons and made homemade lemonade...Yum.
   Later on we packed for our trip to Paracas on Monday!!

Miss you all
Vicky and John


Anonymous said...

So basically partying and shopping then.

Hamish Forbes said...

Hey Vicks,

Enjoyed the blog this week, it's a relief to have you writing them again, no offence to John! :p

The party photo is great, you both look very scary, are the bottom two photos also of John in costume? ;-)
Keep up the good work, it's lovely to hear about all the fun things you're both up to! Look forward to the next update!

As a thank you, here is a chemistry joke..
How many moles are in a guacamole? ...Avocado's number.


p.s A game of scrabble soon?!..

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