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Monday 10 December 2012

Week 16 - Relaxing in Lima

This week was fairly chilled as we are coming to the end of our time here in South America and thus our budget is on the low. Here is how we spent our 16th week here in Lima:

Day 1 Monday- Today was a fairly groggy day and with that I too felt under the weather, so the morning was spent relaxing in the house. After lunch we decided to walk down to one of the local cinemas and booked ourselves some tickets to see the new film 'What to Expect when you're Expecting' which turned out to be a less than amusing film. We should have gone to see the new James Bond movie 'Skyfall' which half of facebook had been raving about, however with popcorn so cheap we counted it still as a success.

Day 2 Tuesday -  We spent the whole day in Lima's City centre mooching around the Mercado Central. The market was quite dangerous so we held onto our bags, but there were a lot of very very cheap items, including bags, wallets, belts, clothes, food and doggy outifts. I personally was looking for a little Christmas outfit for Rocky, but luckily for him there were none in his size so I settled on a nice red leather collar instead (I hope he likes it).

We stopped for lunch at a fantastic Chinese where we tried the 'Dim Sum' which I have decided is now a personal favourite of Chinese cooking.

We ended up returning home late that day, absolutely knackered from our day at the shops, and made hot chocolate and played Jenga....or as it is pronounced in Peruvian: Heeennngaaaa! (I was terrible and ended up the ultimate loser).

Day 3 Wednesday - Today we decided to take a trip to the Parque de Kennedy to the famous diner called 'Lucha' where they claim to sell 'Peru's best papa fritas', so we ordered a large papa fritas and fresh strawberry shake. We then took a stroll around the local markets and shops.

Day 4 Thursday - In the morning we went for what was supposed to be a stroll around the local golf club, however it was far longer than we initially thought so we ended up building our appetites for lunch. We ate out for lunch at a little resturant with typical peruvian food. Good price! Only 8 soles!

After our lunch we went back to the market where we brought our final gifts for friends and families.

Day 5 Friday - We spent the morning decorating the house, successfully building the christmas tree and putting out endless 'niknaks' around the living room. Now it feels like Christmas!!

After lunch we had a nap as we were preparing for our nights festivities.

We arrived at Jose's house ready and raring to go at approximately 10PM and made our way along with the rest of his amigo's to the University. We queued up to hop onto a bus to take us to the Univeristy's biggest end of exam party of the year. At the fiesta there was plenty of free alchohol and music. After partying the night away we arrived home around 5PM absolutely knackered.

Day 6 Saturday- RECOVERED - including KFC

Day 7 Sunday - Today John's Tias took us to the Regatta Club on the beach (although the sun did not have his hat on) and we had a fantastic buffet lunch at the Chinese there, where we stuffed our faces (a bit too much I think). We then returned to Tia Nini's house where they enjoyed coffee and we enjoyed water and special digestive tea for our over full stomachs.

After our tea we went on a mission of sorts, to find John a golden star for the top of his Christmas tree. After many stops at many different markets, at around 5PM we finally found the star suitable for his majesty (he is one picky boy).

Hope to see you all soon
Only one more blog post to go...

Vicky and John


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