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Sunday 7 October 2012

Week number 7, Argentina!

So this week we entered into Argentina, the land of meat, unfortunately for me. This is what we have got up to so far this week...

Day 1 Monday

We got to the bus station a tad early today as we had to check out of our hostel in the morning and our bus station was not until 8PM (7 hours of waiting). However whilst at the bus stop we met a friendly dog who slept under our bench for a while, this was the highlight of our day. The evening was spent on the bus to Buenos Aires.

Day 2 Tuesday

We arrived in Buenos Aires in the morning and were greeted and picked up by our hosts (Rosita John´s Aunt) daughter Lucia and her boyfirend. It was very cold and windy which is apprently unusual for Buenos Aires in Spring. We did not let the weather bother us however and once we had unpacked and freshened up we went to Florida street in the city centre which is the main strip for shopping. We searched for Toms but unfortunately were unsuccessful in our quest (apprently Argetina do not do Toms anymore). We then visited the Plaza de Mayo and Madero Harbour. We also found out that Buenos Aires invented the Tango dance so we want to try and catch a show before we leave. In the evening we sampled Rositas singing which was very good.

Day 3 Wednesday

Today we returned to the town centre with a bit nicer weather and a camera! We visited a museum in an old ship which displayed items and maps and pictures of the Armada. We also visited a number of other sites in the city center. We got attacked by pigeons in the plaza. They got so close they would rest on our arms. For lunch we found a really nice little Chinese buffet take away which was a real bargain! On the way home we got terribly lost as we managed to walk past our street and walk approx an hour in the wrong direction! Silly us!

Day 4 Thursday

The sun has got its hat on today and Rosita has the morning off from work so she took us to Recoleta which was very pretty, lots of green parks. Whilst we where there we visited a designer furniture shopping mall, a big white church and a large cemetory only for very very important people like presidents and generals. The graves where massive and grand and John managed to accidently open one which terrified us.We also witnessed a semi naked man sunbathing on a very important statue (that is one way to get a tan I guess). Rosita left for work and we were introduced to a close family friend called Julio who is a 70 year old Jewish man who we quickly learnt was a tad racist. He showed us around a neighbourhood called Palermo, which was very nice, in the car and we then were dropped off back at the house early evening.

Day 5 Friday

We slept in a bit in the morning. Rosita took us to La Boca, a working class neighbourhood not to be visited at night. We visited the museum of art dedicated to Benito Quinquela Martin, where the museum itself actually used to be his house! We visited the famous stree of Carminite where the houses are multi coloured and  people dance tango on the street. There are many cafes and markets lining the street and me and John invested in some hand made Mate cups and straws (the traditional drink here) with our names on. We had lunch at a grill which had asado for Johns meat cravings. I had salad and chips...yum! In the evening we went to a Peruvian sing and dance show celebrating 25 years of a certain gentlemans career in music. We had Peruvian food and saw Rosita singing live.

Mate the drink

Day 6 Saturday

Today was a Lazy day as were trying to save some money so we just planned the next part of our journey.

Hope everyone is well still!
Lots of Love
Vicky and John


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