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Sunday 9 September 2012

Our 3rd Week in Peru

So this week we returned from our Machu Picchu visit, recovered and set off to sunny Ica. Here is what we got up to:

Day 1 Monday- Today we returned to Lima from Cusco and immediately we felt our breath return (in being at lower altitude). As soon as we were home and showered, we set off to meet our new amigo Dave from Canada for a few drinks down in Barranco. We then took a short taxi ride to the Kennedy Park and continued our evening in yet another Kareoke bar!

Day 2 Tuesday- This was our lazy day, we slept in and spent most of the day relaxing. We downloaded a film from itunes....Rec3 and brought EXTREME butter popcorn from the supermarket down the road.

Day 3 Wednesday - Today we set off from Lima to Ica at 2:30. There was mucho traffico on the way to the bus station and we almost missed it, but luckily we arrived just on time. The bus journey was amazing, far better than some planes we have been on in the past. We even got a little food parcel. Within 4 hours we arrived in Ica. We said our 'holas' and greeted Nanny Lucha's amigo's and then found our hostal just down the road.

Day 4 Thursday - We had our desayuno at Nanny Lucha's amigos casa and then headed off to Huacachina. In Huacachina we attempted Sand Boarding were we bum boarded mostly. We then headed back to the casa and enjoyed Jorge's birthday fiesta with a lot of Pisco neat and a lot of yummy food.


Day 5 Friday - John and I enjoyed the sun today by the poolside . We then returned to the casa and had a taste of Jorge's home made pisco sours.... very strong! In the evening John, Nanny Lucha and I visited a Chifa resturant (Chinese) and enjoyed some rather tasty food! We are definately not going to be loosing much weight in Peru.

Day 6 Saturday - Saturday we returned to lima in the afternoon. However we firstly caught our last bits of sun by the poolside in Haucachina.

Day 7 Sunday - Today we are going to relax and possibly meet some family friends for lunch... it is yet to be decided.

Missing everyone
Lots of Love
Vicky y John


Anonymous said...

I love reading your bloggs!! looks like you are having fun and enjoying your South American experience so far!! Sand boarding looks good but a little dangerous for my liking!! Have fun in the next part of your adventure. Be safe and enjoy very minute of it. Love you both very much
Mum (Ana) xxx

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