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Tuesday 21 August 2012

First day in Lima

Today we arrived very early in the morning! We are exhausted and exasperated from one hell of a long haul flight, where I did not receive my vegetarian meal, meaning I did not get much to eat on the journey, but no need to worry as I have now been fed and am full up from the yummy Peruvian food that Nanny Lucha provided us with, including papa la huancaina y arroz con pollo. :)

We both have already learnt that our Spanish will need to drastically improve to survive in South America, however it has already improved within the course of one day!

The one thing I have to tell everyone here is do not try to drive here if you are not used to it as the traffic is terrifying, everyone beeps and nobody is concerned with pedestrian safety.

Tomorrow evening we plan to take a bus ride around Lima at night!


Vicky y John


Anonymous said...

Hi darlings. It was lovely speaking to you yesterday and knowing you arrived safely! Glad my mum is feeding you llots of lovely Peruvian food! You are so right about the traffic in Lima they drive like maniacs hahaha x i am glad your Spanish is improving, I am sure in your First 3 weeks with my mum will improve immensely x love you and miss you both very much xxxx

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not - I have driven there.

Dad P.

Anonymous said...

Hey.....blogging already!!! glad your eating well that's all a mum can ask....ha ha.

Mum x

Anonymous said...

Hi darlings, can't believe you have been in Lima almost a week and already done so much! Of to Cuzco on Monday! You will love it! Take lots of pictures x keep enjoying it x love you both lotts
Mum P xxx

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